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Article covers measuring water flow rate using flowmeter & Arduino.


1. This step-by-step how-to covers lab setup and not the field setup or test.

2. This how-to does not cover the calibration of flow meter.

3. This does not cover the working principles of flow meter.

Working sample

Before we proceed further, let us take a look at what our end result would look like.

Items needed

- Arduino Uno.

- Hall effect flow meter sensor.


This post assumes you already have,

1.     Arduino Editor installed on your laptop.​

2.    Your laptop connected to Arduino using the USB cable.

3.    Basic familiarity with Arduino programming using C++.

Technical details

How flow meter works?

This post does not go into details of how flow meter works. There are numerous materials available on the internet.

Schematic & Wiring diagrams
This is how the final setup looks like:
How-to steps

Step 1: Connecting Arduino to flow meter

Water flow sensors normally have three leads. +ve, -ve and interrupt.

Interrupt output from flow meter sensor send a certain amount of HIGH signals depending on the flow rate, and it needs to be connected to Arduino's interrupt pins.

Arduino Uno has two interrupt pins, pin #2 and pin #3. These pins are referenced as 0 and 1 in the c++ code, which you can see in the sample code below.


Step 2: Flow meter sensor


Water flow sensors normally have three leads. +ve, -ve and interrupt.

In the above diagram, you may notice,

F=(7.5 * Q), Q=L/Min.

F - Frequency

Q - Flow rate

Using above spec,

Q (flow rate) = F / 7.5 liters per minute

Step 3: Arduino C++ I2C code

There are no new libraries to be downloaded. Code is straight forward.

C++ code

int flowPin = 5;    //Digital input pin on the Arduino

double flowRate;    //Variable to hoold the calculated flow rate


//This variable is incremented when interrupt runs.

//This needs to be set as volatile ensure to ensure it updates correctly during the interrupt process.


volatile int count; void setup() {  

      // Setup code here, to run once:  

      pinMode(flowPin, INPUT);           //Sets the pin as an input  


      //Configures interrupt 0 which is pin number 2 on the Arduino Uno, which runs the function 'calculateNumberOfPulsees()'  

      attachInterrupt(0, calculateNumberOfPulsees, RISING);      

      Serial.begin(9600);  //Start Serial



void loop() {  

      // Main code here, runs repeatedly:    


      count = 0;      // Reset the counter before running the interrupt      


      interrupts();     //Enables interrupts on the Arduino.

                               //This will start checking the interrupt and run the calculateFlowRate() every time when the signal Rises                                                   //When the interrupt is active for 1 second, the  


      delay (1000);     

      noInterrupts();   //Disables the interrupt check on the Arduino. This will stop incrementing the counter  


     //LPM calculation: as per sepcifications, Frequency = 7.5 x liters per minute. So, Liters per minute = Frequency / 7.5    


     flowRate = (count / 7.5);          


     //Print the number of interrupts in the last second  

     Serial.print("Number of interrup is: ");           


     Serial.print(" & The flow rate is : ");  

     Serial.print(flowRate);         //Print the variable flowRate to Serial  

     Serial.println(" lpm");          //Print the variable flowRate to Serial




void calculateNumberOfPulsees() {  


     count++; //count gets incremented every time this function is called



Step 4: Testing the flow meter

Now the setup should be ready. When the C++ code runs,

1. Interrupts are activated for 1 second through "delay(1000)" command in the code.

2. When there is an interrupt signal in Arduino's pin #2, the funtion 'calculateNumberOfPulsees()' gets called, which increments the counter variable by 1.

3. After 1 second, the interrupt is stopped, and we proceed to calculate the flow rate.

4. After calculating the flow rate, the counter is reset to 0.

Refer accompanying video to see a demo of this. Instead of water, I've used the air flow through the meter to activate the flowmeter.

Closing note

​Hope this post gives you the basic details of measuring flow rate using hall effect flowmeter and Arduino.

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