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Ka-Product Conceptualization

Product conceptualization is a initial phase of product-engineering, where an idea evolves into concept which grows into product-definition.

This article introduces how Ka framework approaches product-conceptualization phase of product-engineering.  This is a part of ka-product-engineering documentations.

I'm not entirely sure yet if using the 'product-conceptualization' of Ka framework just by itself will be of any great value. However, when used in conjunction with rest of the product framework components, we have observed immense value addition. 

About this article

Ka-framework is structured as a set of protocols, best practices and tools to efficiently build & launch products.

This article introduces the ka-framework's product conceptualization phase,  with specific focus on various aspects the framework covers and the structure proposed by the framework to facilitate a healthy combination of independence needed for nurturing creative ideas and the discipline need to arrive at a structured product definitions.

Hope this is of help to you!

Product evolution models

Product can evolve in various ways.

One possibility is that the product definitions are known well in advance and its intricate details are figured out upfront. Other possibility could be that the product evolves over a period of time in an iterative fashion.

Difference between them is that the speed with which a product evolves and how these evolutions  overlaps with the actual implementation. Similarity between them is that both will involve continued evolution of the product, just the degree of evolution differing between them.

Which ever path a product evolution takes, there is a need for capturing sufficient details on i) how products are structured, ii) how individual elements of the product interact, iii) who the actors are, and iv) what the actor's value realizations are. Ka framework attempts to address this need.

Ka framework approaches product evolution as three simple transformative steps.

Idea, concepts & product definition

Ka-ProductEngineeringFramework.drawio (1).png

Of these 3 stages, 'idea' is the most nebulous one. Stages get concrete as we move towards 'product definition'. 

Though these transformations intuitively appears to be sequential, that is unlikely to be the case more often. More often, these distinct stages blend into each other or even end up to be evolving parallel.

These blurry boundaries (or the non existence of) typically poses a challenge to the success evolution of the last stage - 'product definition'.

One can notice reflections of various attempts to concretize these stages, for example 'Minimal Viable Products' (aka MVP), fail fast approach etc.,

Ka framework acknowledges the nature of these distinct stages and respects their individuality, and supports the transformative process through a weave of processes, tools and best practices.

This framework is cautious not to restrict the independence of 'idea' stage, but attempts to structure 'concept' & 'product definition' stages.

Ka-framework offers the structure to define product concepts through


  • Actor's interacting with the concept,

  • Actions performed by the actors,

  • How the actions are performed by the actors (UI/UX), and

  • Supporting details to help and assist key actors to perform the requires actions (learning materials, intuitive representations, etc.,)

Key aspects

Ka framework focuses on following key-aspects of product conceptualization.


Identification of distinct actors associated with the concept. Actors can be humans interacting with the product, the product by itself, any external systems, etc.,



Supporting materials

Identification of business actions performed by various actors. These journeys does not differentiate humans vs platforms, but focuses on how users realize the value proposition by using the idea. 

User journeys are represented in terms of humans and systems, their interactions, and the elements of User Interfaces and User experiences.

Learning materials for the end users on how to be a part of the concept. These supporting materials are the ones that acts as the fully fleshed requirements to build the product during subsequent stages.


Though intuitively these focus area may appear to be sequential, the Ka framework does not enforce this sequence. Rather accommodates a parallel evolution for all of them.   

Ka framework's approach towards these aspects


Along with the product itself, any distinct entities providing inputs to the concept or benefiting from the product will have to be considered as an actor. This includes any capabilities fulfilled by external parties (for instance, any mailing system required by the concept).

Identified actors and their characteristic attributes to be cataloged in the following format,


ACTOR:     Name of the actor.

VALUE REALIZATION:     Value realized by the the actor by being a part of the concept.

KEY CHARACTERISTICS:     Nature of the actors, for instance i) users, ii) customers, iii) the software systems etc. Capture the characteristics from the view point of the concept. 

PROBLEM STATEMENT:     Problems or requirements associated with the actors and fulfilled by the concept. 

PRIORITY:     Defines the order of unique priority assigned by the concept to the individual actors.

Note 1:     Complete the first iteration of this before system build starts. - to be moved to the last of the page.


Identify and capture distinct journeys the concept will take the users through. Journeys are outlined as business actions performed by the actors within the bounds of the concept.

There may be one or more journeys. It is recommended to limit the number of journeys to avoid future system complexities.

Identified journeys to be captured and cataloged in the following format,


JOURNEY DEFINITION:     Descriptive name for the journey.

PRIMARY ACTOR:     Actor who is the primary focus and beneficiary of the journey.

SUPPORTING ACTORS:     Actors supporting the journey to help the primary actor to realize the benefit. 

JOURNEY OBJECTIVE:     Primary objective of the journey, seen from the view point of the concept. â€‹


Identify how the actors interact with the journey.

This mainly involves how the actors perform the interaction outlined in the journeys.

Identified interactions to be captured and cataloged in the following format,


INTERFACE:     Mode of interaction, including User Interfaces, offline data feeds etc.,

PARTICIPATING ACTORS:     Actors taking part in the interactions.

INTERFACE OBJECTIVE:     Main objective of the interface. 

EXIT CRITERIA:     Exist criteria which defines when an interaction with the interface is considered complete. 

Supporting materials

Learning materials explaining the journeys and the interactions.

These learning materials are created from the perspective of end users.

Exercise caution to not create a software runbook or system architecture. The contents need to be in a shape where it can be presented to others to help them understand the idea and concepts.

A combined actors, their journeys and their interactions are captured in a interface design tool (such as

'idea - to - product definition' maturity models

This framework acknowledges following two distinct product evolution models and recommends best practices to accommodate both.

  • Upfront definition with subsequent maturity.

  • Tandem definition and maturity.

Upfront definition with subsequent maturity

In this model, an idea is well formed and just requires the concept to solidify from the idea and eventually transforms into product definitions.

Concept formulation and product definitions can go hand-in-hand, until it is released for product build.

A distinctive advantage of this evolution model is that an idea, which is the most creative part of the product definition, does not have to traverse the path of maturity.  

This provides ample opportunity for the 'concept' and 'product definition' stage to be more concrete, there by increasing the stability of eventual product.

Tandem definition and maturity

In this model,  'idea', 'concept' and 'product definitions' evolve at the same time.

This is an less than ideal situation. However, practical reality suggests that this is a predominant use case. most often than not, the idea gets refined as the 'concepts' evolve.

Ka framework accommodates this evolution model.

Comments (1)

Jan 03, 2023

Welcome all!

Appreciate your thoughts or comments on this article.

Thanks! Hari

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